mandag 29. august 2011

August - fine sensommerdager i Midtbyen og Hagen

August-sommer på Nordre - Foto:RandiAa©
Det har vært noen fantastisk fine,varme sommerdager nå i slutten av august. Det er trivsel i hagen fortsatt, og det er sommerlig i Midt-Byen også. Måtte en tur til tannlegen, det er fortsatt reparasjoner etter sykkel-ulykken min.
Det passet å møte Helena til en liten Photo-Walk og en hyggelig kaffe-prat i solen utenfor Somma. (Langt mer sommerlig på fortauet der i dag, enn dette bildet Helena tok en vinterdag)
Her er noen sensommer-glimt både urbane og hagerelaterte:

Matheson-gården - Jugendstil - Foto:RandiAa©
Matheson-gården - Olav Tryggvasons gate - Foto:RandiAa©
Urbant på Nordre - Foto:RandiAa©
Urbant på Nordre - Foto:RandiAa©
Det kom noen regndråper i går:
Heliopsis helianthoides - Rusoløye - Foto:RandiAa©
Heliopsis helianthoides - Rusoløye - Foto:RandiAa©
Denne er ikke så ulik Rudbeckia laciniata, se her. Men den har enkle blomster og blir ikke så høy.
Rosa rugosa Hansa nype (se blomst lengre nede) - Foto:RandiAa©
Clematis-frøstand med "perler" - Foto:RandiAa©
"Mamma Gudrun" - hybrid-tea - Foto:RandiAa©
Mamma Gudrun er en  hybrid tea rose Idar H. Jansen i Rogaland "laget" i 1996. Den kommer fra en kryssing av frøplante av Jacaranda (hybrid tea Kordes 1985) - den er rød-rosa, og La Paloma - (en hvit floribunda, av Evers/Tantau, 1985), jeg måtte bare ha den da den ble tilgengelig for ca 10 år siden,  min mor het Gudrun.  På grunn av denne krysningen av to farger er den nesten blitt en "varigert" rose - man skimter noen hvite nyanser i det skarpe rosa.Det er ikke bare vakre blomster i hagen - små rovdyr finnes også - Korsedderkoppen (Araneus diadematus) er veldig utbredt i Europa.Den kan variere litt i farge og "dekorering".
Hunnen er mye større enn han-edderkoppen. Denne hadde et forholdsvis synlig kors på ryggen.Det var vanskelig å få både "-koppen" og byttet i fokus, derfor et lite ekstra utsnitt:

Araneus diadematus - Foto:RandiAa©
Fangsten til Araneus diadematus - Foto:RandiAa©
Det har vært mest solskinnsdager i august - her er dagens solskinns-fangst i hagen med kameraet:
Monarda didyma - "Marshall's Pride" - Foto:RandiAa©
Eryngium Planum - Foto:RandiAa©
Eryngium Planum - Foto:RandiAa©
Astilbe chinensis "Superba" - Foto:RandiAa©
Rosa rugosa "Hansa" - det er både blomst og nyper samtidlig nå i august - Foto:RandiAa©
Rudbeckia laciniata - Foto:RandiAa©
Physostegia Virginiana "Bouquet Rose" - Foto:RandiAa©
Tropaeolum majus  Black Velvet - close-up - Foto:RandiAa©
Tropaeolum majus  Black Velvet sådde jeg selv i vår

søndag 28. august 2011

Liverpool - Part Four: The Day of the Great Photo-Walk-2 - 30th July 2011

Gambier Terrace - Photo:RandiAa©
Gambier Terrace - Photo:RandiAa©
When leaving the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, I wanted to trace some of the streets, buildings and sights I had seen from "up above". Probably I wouldn't have spotted them without the help of Russell the Liverpudlian.
The group split up now and then but was reunited at "crucial stops" (like at the Phil and the Metropolitan Cathedral)
I liked the Gambier Terrace area where John Lennon had once lived.
From the Tower we could see the KIND garden  (The Kids in Need and Distress Charity) Russell told me he had helped made for the children.
We found the street - and we found the garden:
The area around Hope Street offered incredibly many interesting sights.
Here are a few of them:
Liverpool College of Art was one, with the "suitcases" of former celebrity students outside the building - John Lennon for one has been a student here:
Another was The Hanemann Hospital:
Next stop -36 Hope Street, Liverpool, Merseyside - The Phil:
Around this corner - a glimpse of Bodil just entering the pub
Entrance to The Phil - Photo:RandiAa©
The importance of the pubs to the English is well known - even if you don't feel like drinking a Pub-visit has a lot to offer: the building itself, the architecture, and not to forget the atmosphere.
Thus "The Phil" is indeed worth visiting. This spectacular Art Nouveau pub is opposite the concert building the Philharmonic Hall and a great place to visit before or after concerts. Now the pub has become a city attraction with its ornamented interior and furniture:

The Phil - Photo:RandiAa©
The Phil - Photo:RandiAa©
The Phil - Photo:RandiAa©
The Phil "upstairs" diningroom - Photo:RandiAa©
A big laugh in the Phil's Gents:
Women were not the frequent pub-goers in earlier times, therefore the "Ladies" is not that spectacular as "The Gents". This must be the most beautiful toilet in a public house (Pub). Walls decorated with tiles in pink and romantic colours indeed a lavatory so grand that women are invited to view it.
And Russell thought I ought to pay it a visit…we sneaked inside while it was empty - I quickly fired some shots, then a to me unknown gentleman turned up - having an errand there. He understood my mission, I said I was done, and added just for fun: "but for a man peeing in this lovely environment"..."just a moment" he said, and then (I like the sense of British humour):

Posing in The Phil's gents - Photo:RandiAa©
The Phil's Gents - Photo:RandiAa©
Still there are some more sights to show from the great Photo Walk - not to make this post too long I'd better continue......
Also see - Liverpool - Part One: THURSDAY JULY 28TH
Also see - Liverpool - Part Two: FRIDAY JULY 29TH
Also see - Liverpool - Part Three: SATURDAY JULY 30TH - The Great Photo-Walk 1
Also see - Liverpool - Part Four: SATURDAY JULY 30TH - The Great Photo Walk-2
Also see - Liverpool - Part Five: SATURDAY JULY 30TH - The Great Photo-Walk-3
Also see - Liverpool - Part Six: SUNDAY JULY 31ST - My last day in Liverpool
Liverpool, a set on Flickr - Photo:RandiAa©

Port of Liverpool Building - CeilingLiverpool wheelLiverpool street lifeLiverpool policeLiverpool-one-areaNew and old architecture - Liverpoo
Liverpool -Three Graces and modern architectureNew and old architecture - LiverpoolModern architecture - LiverpoolLiverpoolAlbion House - LiverpoolThe Port of Liverpool Building
The Royal Liver BuildingThe Port of Liverpool BuildingThe Royal Liver BuildingSt.NIcholas church-garden-signTowards St Nicholas (June-Kristin-Kirsten-Robert)Towards St Nicholas (June-Randi-Kristin-Kirsten-Robert)
St.Nicholas - LiverpoolSt.Nicholas - LiverpoolMa Boyles Oyster Bar - LiverpoolMa Boyles Oyster Bar - LiverpoolRoyal Liver buildingLiverpool - The Strand