tirsdag 30. april 2013

Liverpool - Revisited: Easter 2013 - The Cavern and World Museum - Part Five

The Cavern - Photo:RandiAa©
Keywords for the day's activities - Wednesday 27th March:
  • Breakfast-Lunch Nordic church (The Gustav Adolf Church)
  • The Cavern and Beatles
  • St John's Garden
  • World Museum of Liverpool
  • Dinner at Jamie's Italian again
We started out in late morning to the Swedish Church, also called the Nordic Church (my photo) - built in the late 1800's for sailors and emigrants. There was an arranged breakfast-lunch with a lot of nice people and a lot of good food.
While in Liverpool, we wouldn't miss a visit to the Cavern Quarter where the Beatels legends stayed and played their pop music - June and Russell took us for a walk to this district, where we could find all these interesting places:
The Cavern Quarter
Strolling down Mathew Street, we almost felt being on historical ground, though not further back in history than fifty sixty years. The most popular stop in the Cavern Quarter is the Cavern Club, where the Bealtes played several hundred times. Known to most people, Liverpool is the home  city of the Beatles - John, Paul, George and Ringo grew up in the Liverpool area - they started out playing in church halls and dance halls and the place which to day has become sort of a Beatles museum: The Cavern. - originally in the basement of a Warehouse:
The Cavern - Photo:RandiAa©
The Cavern - Photo:RandiAa©
The Cavern - Photo:RandiAa©
The Red Telephone Box is taken care of in The Cavern, the first one was to be seen in London 1920.
The Red Telephone Box - Photo:RandiAa©
In Norway it came up some years later, and had a slightly different design. Here is my photo of one, same boy by its side, but four years younger.
Before leaving The Cavern Quarter, we studied the names on The Wall of Fame:

Wall of Fame - Photo:RandiAa©

And looked at some of the bronze statues in the area, Eleanor Rigby in Stanley Street was especially interesting:

There are a lot of nice pubs in this area. In the 1960's no alcohol was served in the Cavern, so the Beatles and other pop groups visited the near by pubs. The Grapes and The White Star  are two of the most famous.
Obviously the man has not read the sign above his head - Photo:RandiAa©
The four of us reflected - Photo:RandiAa©
On our way to Liverpool World Museum, we passed Midland Railway Goods Warehouse in nice company with Radio City Tower - I enjoyed photographing the lines they formed together:
We spent some time in St. John's Garden before we went inside the Museum. This very central green lung in Liverpool was opened in 1904. Around in the garden we find sculptures, such as a statue of former Prime Minister W.E. Gladstone who was born in Liverpool 
The King's Liverpool Regiment - Photo:RandiAa©
Then we spent a long time in World Museum of Liverpool. An amazing museum - one could go there for days and days and detect something new always. - (For more museums and attractions in Liverpool take a look at Visit Liverpool) -
We could study the growth of civilization, human beings and animals - here we discovered  "the wonders of the natural world in the Clore Natural History Centre, packed full of mounted and preserved specimens of all types of animals, as well as rocks, minerals, fossils and plants." -  One of the highlights was the bug collection - fascinating with all those creepy-crawlies. The Aquarium too was amazing:

A video glimpse from The Aquarium:

Liverpool - Revisited Part One
Liverpool - Revisited Part Two
Liverpool - Revisited Part Three
Liverpool - Revisited Part Four 
Liverpool - Revisited Part Five 

Liverpool - 24-28 March-2013 - Easter, a set on Flickr - Photo:RandiAa©
Speke Hall - LiverpoolTea-time Speke Hall LiverpoolTea-time Speke Hall LiverpoolTea-time Speke Hall LiverpoolThe Maze - Speke Hall - LiverpoolSpeke Hall - Liverpool
Speke Hall - LiverpoolSpeke Hall - LiverpoolSpeke Hall -  LiverpoolBreakfast at Starbucks - Liverpool-OneLiverpool FC - AnfieldLiverpool FC - Anfield
Liverpool FC - AnfieldLiverpool FC - AnfieldLiverpool FC - AnfieldLiverpool FC - AnfieldLiverpool FC - AnfieldLiverpool FC - Anfield
Liverpool FC - AnfieldLiverpool FC - AnfieldLiverpool FC - AnfieldLiverpool FC - AnfieldLiverpool FC - AnfieldLiverpool FC - Anfield

søndag 28. april 2013

Aprilfest 2013 - Blåveis-tur med Linda - Estenstadmarka

Hepatica nobilis - Foto:RandiAa©
Søndagsturen ble en Blåveis-tur i Estenstadmarka. Impulsivt bestemte Linda og jeg på morgenen at vi skulle farte sammen i marka med kameraer selvsagt. (Linda er også med i Aprilfesten, så vi har stadig behov for nye steder, nye bilder)
Fra tysk flora 1885
Blåveis har fått sitt navn etter det greske ordet for lever (Hepar), bladene på blåveis har tre fliker, det har også en lever. Planten har blitt brukt i urtemedisin, i store mengder er den giftig, men blader og blomst kan brukes med astringerende og antiseptisk virkning, noe vanndrivende effekt har den også.
Variasjon over blåveisen:

Linda tett på blåveisen - Foto:RandiAa©
Close-up - Foto:RandiAa©
Hepatica nobilis - Foto:RandiAa©
Hepatica nobilis - Foto:RandiAa©
Bitt av billen - Foto:RandiAa©
Tømmerholt-dammen i vårløsning - Foto:RandiAa©
Linda fikk til et bedre bilde her, for hun torte å henge mer utover dammen enn meg.
I skyggefulle partier var det fortsatt snø på stien:
Vi vandret stien - Foto:RandiAa©
I solen varmet fluene seg på hestehoven:
Det springer ofte rådyr på jordene i utkanten av Estenstadmarka, det hadde nok vært bedre å fotografere med et teleobjektiv, men jeg hadde macro-objektiv på kameraet:
På hjemveien møtte vi en lastebil, fin, gammel, årgang - og Linda er alltid nysgjerrig på slikt:
Hun fikk meg nysgjerrig på den også - Foto:RandiAa©
Den var nok litt luftig å kjøre, men av fint merke - det var den:

Og fin var også søndags-turen vår  - slik alle Foto-turene våre er.

Estenstadmarka-Strindamarka, a set on Flickr - Photo:RandiAa©

Open gate, Grindhuset Tømmerholt, 05.08.2009Estenstadmarka, Tømmerholtdammen, 03.10.2007Estenstadmarka, Tømmerholtdammen, 03.10.2007Estenstadmarka, Tømmerholtdammen, 03.10.2007Estenstadmarka, Tømmerholtdammen, 03.10.2007Estenstadmarka, Tømmerholtdammen, 03.10.2007
Estenstadmarka, 13.11.2007Magnus, Estenstadmarka, 29.06.2008Magnus, Estenstadmarka, 29.06.2008Magnus, Estenstadmarka, 29.06.2008IMG_6488-Magnus, Estenstadmarka, 29.06.2008Magnus, Estenstadmarka, 29.06.2008
Estenstadmarka, Autumn 2008Estenstadmarka, Autumn 2008Estenstadmarka, Autumn 2008Estenstadmarka, Autumn 2008Estenstadmarka, August 2009Estenstadmarka, August 2009
IEstenstadmarka, August 2009Estenstadmarka, August 2009Estenstadmarka, August 2009Paris quadrifolia (Firblad-bær), Estenstadmarka, August 2009Estenstadmarka, August 2009Closed gate in October, 25.10.2009